In truth, I wasn't feeling good. So I spoke out, as one does. "I ain’t feeling that good, OK? Is that ok with you shapeless matters of weather gaiety? I’m like a square peg in a round hole. Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don’t you?"

Then I decided to retreat myself, or rather, glue myself here ^ because that's my stimulating rigid work corner. Yes, I know it looks more like a play area, but it has to, else I can’t take anything seriously. Today it didn't work though. My corner was bathing in too much warmth and light, and my responsibilities simply melted away in the sun. The glue did too. Or maybe it's just my brain going through a perpetual global warming.
I ended up being dragged outside by appearances, and old habits, where all God's creatures were happily bathing in the new dawn of the final term. In the words of a pretty lyricist, if it's not a rainy day, you simply don't go outside.
Now that I'm back in my inspiring chamber, those bunnies in a box are giving me silly ideas.
Crime scene number two looks like it needs more inspection. All that green (oh and how beautiful it is shrouded with that perdea lol) is so inviting and tricky. A dream within a dream. Anyway, who are we to judge a perfect looking day?
and that's all that we see, or seem.
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