Monday 26 April 2010

Is food the new sex?

I'm asking this question after a smoke of going through a little Leamington London to a Bridges shop where I bought an icecream and a marble cake. I started eating outside the shop... it felt extremely public. No longer private, nor intimate. But-but-but-butter but... I didn't have the first bite. I had gained appetite.


Cinnamon Girl (Chasing the Moonlight) said...

Pretty sure it is, yeah. I'd rather have a damn good meal than sex, anyway.

A professor of mine once said she found writing essays more enjoyable than sex. Adding the qualifier of 'good' to the essay, I'd have to agree with her.

Anonymous said... este un proiect nou cu scop informativ. Ne-am propus să venim cu cele mai noi ştiri din muzică, recenzii de albume, concerte şi, de ce nu, filme, interviuri cu artişti români şi străini. Sustine proiectul si alatura-te echipei noastre! ONmusique cauta sa-si largeasca echipa formată din oameni cu experienţă, ambiţioşi, talentaţi şi dornici de muncă; asadar, daca doresti sa te alaturi, trimite un e-mail la ONmusique...Pentru ca muzica apartine tuturor! Felicitari pentru blog!Multumesc pentru timpul acordat!Cu stima Dan!