Thursday, 11 February 2010

Beam me up, Scotty.

Peppermint tea? Check.
Haribo sweets? Check.
Tramadol? Check.
Mushroom soup? Check. ✔
Star Trek (2009)? Check.

Shuttle is ready to embark on road to recovery. Permission to reply affirmative to occasional "can I get you anything?" - granted.


Cinnamon Girl (Chasing the Moonlight) said...

Can I get you anything? A long-distance chat, perhaps? Maybe an email I meant to write three days ago?

Unknown said...

Pentru ca asa ne invartim noi. Un fel de: "Because that's how we roll."

No, nu stiu cum o sa iti para astia tie, da' serios ca mie imi par simpatici. Bucata de tort!

Jackie Cane said...

Miss Cinnamon, yes I'll have whatever is lighthearted on the menu, anything appetizing like a skype chat for this frail frame of mine. Yummy times in need!

Jackie Cane said...

Noth, asta apropos de communicating differently? That wtfz better not be aimed at me!